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Jetée 03-20-2010 04:30 PM

Made in Japan
It's pretty self-explanatory: any and all over-the-top, creative, and hilarious examples of Japanese variety / game shows can be featured here in this commons.
So, if you would like to feature something of interest here, please feel as free as you like to post something pertaining to original television from the Eastern Isles. The veritable well is overflowing with great featurettes, like...



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oliver9184 03-21-2010 12:11 PM

Darth Vader one was well good!

What is that thing with the cat? I don't want it to be real.

Jetée 03-21-2010 03:42 PM

From what I've come to learn, everything on Japan TV is real, and unscripted, the only exception would be the parodies and the kabuki plays (anime not included); they pride themselves on that (I think). They have an initial premise, and it may take abit of practice to have it come to fruition (like hovering port-a-potties) but nearly all of what comes from Japan's myriad of variety / intellect / skill game-like shows is "reality", for better or worse.

Jetée 03-22-2010 02:18 PM

The Pileus umbrella

Originally Posted by BadNick (Post 2768694)

Pileus is an umbrella connected to the Internet to make walking in rainy days fun. Pileus has a large screen on the top surface, a built-in camera, a motion sensor, GPS, and a digital compass. The current prototype has two main functions: photo-sharing and 3D map navigation.


Jetée 03-22-2010 07:02 PM

“Ironing techniques by professional craftsmen (shirt)”
Crazy-Normal Japanese Thing of the Day:
Leave it to the Japanese to make a task as mundane as ironing a dress shirt utterly mesmerizing.

The aptly named “Ironing techniques by professional craftsmen (shirt)” is part of a larger series of equally attractive instructional videos from


Jetée 03-23-2010 03:24 PM

Graphic designer Kenichi Tanaka’s animated infographic “Japan — The Strange Country” covers everything you wanted to know about Japan,
but were too busy warbling along to the Cowboy Bebop closing credits song to ask.

In his words (Tanaka): "This is my final thesis project. I created info-graphic, motion piece. My objective is to make Japanese people to think about that everything happening here in Japan, isn’t that normal. So I created this video from foreigner’s point of view, rather than Japanese people’s point of view."

Watch it on vimeo -- Japan: The Strange Country
~ 11 min. in length, short doc.



Jetée 03-23-2010 06:11 PM

Animal Crossing in Odaiba, Japan

With the backdrop of illuminated Rainbow Bridge and Tokyo skyline, an image of
a shark appears during the Odaiba water illumination show in Tokyo, Japan, on
Friday, March 19, 2010. The 20-minute slide show of ocean creatures projected
on a water screen created by a fountain set along a beach at the Tokyo Bay area,
will be performed four times a day after dark until April 11, 2010.

-- (AP Photo/Koji Sasahara)

ASU2003 03-23-2010 09:12 PM

Battle Royale and some of their reality shows are pretty fun to watch.

I still don't understand the censoring of their porn, but it makes them come up with some pretty weird stuff.

Jetée 03-24-2010 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by ASU2003 (Post 2771132)
Battle Royale and some of their reality shows are pretty fun to watch.

I still don't understand the censoring of their porn, but it makes them come up with some pretty weird stuff.

Thanks for contributing some ideas to the topic. I'll have to see what I can rummage from Battle Royale in terms of cutscenes of competition; but the other thing, I can address that right now:

Censorship in Japan

In Japan, under Article 175 of the Criminal Code of Japan people who sell or distribute obscene materials can be punished by fines or imprisonment. Article 175 was included in the original document in 1907 and remains relatively unchanged. Finding a workable definition for obscene has sparked much controversy over the last century. It is not uncommon for pictorial magazines to depict nude women with their genitalia airbrushed over in black, and video pornography routinely depicts explicit sex scenes with the participants' genitalia obscured by mosaics. Until the 1990s, the entire pubic region, including hair, was deemed obscene and unpublishable. The publication of Waterfruit and Santa Fe by Kishin Shinoyama marked the first widely distributed publications to feature pubic hair. Many video production companies belong to ethical associations which provide guidance on what is acceptable and what is not. NEVA and CERO are examples of two such organizations. In 2007, the police have started to prosecute webmasters who allow uncensored pictures on their sites. Recent controversies have frowned upon both pubic hair and even genitalia itself being displayed in works of art and in educational settings.
To put this into terms: before the 1990s, most (semi-)pornographic publications, manga & anime included, implicitly forbade the authors / illustrators to depict the pubic region in any detail at all, and would even go so far as to impose mosaics or black it out all together to not be deemed as "offensive-able", or pornographic. Even showing pubic hair was a no-no, until these rules laxed abit in the past 25 years, and although censorship still holds its roots in Japanese publications, pubic hair is now allowed, and actually because the culture finds that more pubic hair equals sexiness beyond belief, it actually stems the need to use mosaics anymore in print.

Further reading: A beginner's guide to genres of Japanese porn

Sources: wikipedia, an inherent knowledge of Japanese culture since 1983, and Dave Atell's Insomniac show.

Jetée 03-24-2010 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2770663)

I don't know what it is about umbrellas in Japan, because I didn't really envision cultural hubs in Japan having weather aking to London or Seattle, so... (I trail off)

Ah, the contribution!

The Kasapon dispenser, a device which automatically bags wet umbrellas,
has recently been improved with the addition of an “umbrella bag collection machine”—
an extension which cleanly removes water-filled umbrella bags no longer in use.

This lo-tech contraption comes with the hi-tech price tag of $1800,
but the pleasure of never again having to manhandle a cold,
clammy umbrella is surely priceless.


BadNick 03-24-2010 06:22 PM



Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2771331)
...I didn't really envision cultural hubs in Japan having weather aking to London or Seattle, so...

or New York?

New York City gets about 47 inches of rain a year while Seattle gets about 38 inches a year.

Baraka_Guru 03-24-2010 07:24 PM

Elaborate Japanese prank show

Jetée 03-25-2010 04:06 PM

The average living quarters of a resident "otaku" [illustrated]
「部屋の風通しが悪くて蒸れる。」/「阪元ケンゴ」のイラスト [pixiv]

Jetée 03-25-2010 06:33 PM

and to put into perspective, here's a "real-life" example of what an Otaku's studio may look like (interests, hardware, and costumes subject to change depending upon the personality in question):


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2751234)

The 'TokyoStormtrooper' by dannychoo

Jetée 03-26-2010 05:22 PM

and the concluding, final third piece in the chronicle on what it means to be an "otaku", and how the trait is nearly-innate for every single Nippon person to inherit and fulfill (though they may deny it).

Short Summary of its history and meaning across channels:

In modern Japanese slang, the term 'otaku' refers to a fan of any particular theme, topic, or hobby.

The loan-word 'maniakku' (from the English "maniac" and "mania") is sometimes used in relation to specialist hobbies and interests. They can indicate someone with otaku leanings. For example, 'Gundam Mania' would describe a person who is very interested in the anime series Gundam). They can also describe the focus of such interests (a 'maniakku gēmu' would be a particularly underground or eccentric game appealing primarily to 'otaku'). The nuance of 'maniakku' in Japanese is softer and less likely to cause offense than 'otaku'.

Some of Japan's otaku use the term to describe themselves and their friends semi-humorously, accepting their position as fans, and some even use the term proudly, attempting to reclaim it from its negative connotations. In general colloquial usage however, most Japanese would consider it undesirable to be described in a serious fashion as "otaku"; many even consider it to be a genuine insult.

Furthermore, in English, the word, which is borrowed from the Japanese language origins, is usually used to refer to an obsessive fan of anime/manga and/or Japanese culture generally, and to a lesser extent Japanese video games.

The term serves as a label similar to Trekkie or fanboy/fangirl. However, use of the label can be a source of contention among some anime fans, particularly those who are aware of the negative connotations the term has in Japan. Unpleasant stereotypes about otaku prevail in worldwide fan communities, and some anime fans express concern about the effect these more extreme fans can have on the reputation of their hobby (not unlike sentiments in the comic book and science fiction fandoms).

Whilst a person who may be socially awkward but who is also intelligent and may be fairly "normal" aside from their interest in certain typically 'geekish' pursuits (video games, comic books, computers, etc.), otaku is closer in connotation to the English nerd, but the closest English-language analogue to otaku is probably the British English term anorak. Both of these English-language terms have more emphatically negative connotations of poor social skills and obsessive interest in a topic that seems strange, niche or boring to others.

I also know that there nearly 30 differing variations in the Japanese old and new languages that mean something akin to the definition of "obsession", and this is but one (popular) example of the "practice which is both sought and involuntary betwixt".

And with my affinity to give you as much resources as possible, I also came upon a topical article in anecdote about what seems so strange to some, yet still familiar, altogether and over again.

Japanese Obsessions: An Observation into Otaku, Op-Ed | The New York Times

Jetée 03-26-2010 07:45 PM

two examples of exceptional Japanese Anime Robo, in Reality
Tokyo’s Mobile Suit Gundam 30th anniversary life-size RX-78 Gundam statue.
The commemoration has passed, but the legendary statue will make its triumphant return this upcoming summer.

Following in Tokyo’s footsteps, the Japanese city of Kobe has erected a mecha defender of its own, the veteran bot Gigantor.
It stands at 59.06 feet tall — narrowly defeating Tokyo’s 59-foot-tall Gundam statue.

Pogue Mahone 03-29-2010 09:21 PM

Jetée 04-02-2010 12:24 PM


Junya Ishigami’s “balloon” from the Space for Your Future exhibition at the
Museum of Contemporary Art in Tokyo (2007-2008), is a massive reflecting
object that floats suspended in the atrium of the museum. Weighing just
under a ton, the sculpture, built from light gauge steel trusses and reflective
aluminum panels, is filled with an equilibrium of helium that allows it to hover
precariously over visitors heads below, and is free from any connections to its surroundings.

video portrayal:


Jetée 04-02-2010 05:25 PM

If you do not of the custom, a good to great percentage of Japanese homedwellers and flat owners still make full use of floor-sitting, and therefore, the paraphenelia (furniture) that is catered to making the pasttime more enjoyable is larger there than here (which is pretty much limited to beanbag chairs here in America).

"Land Peel" Furniture

A flexible carpet imagined in several layers, with the true possibility of unfolding it and of transforming it unbounded.
A project conceived by Shin Yamashita, studying in design with Kyoto Institute off Technology.
“Land Peel” is a modular lounge mat set composed of three individual pieces with extendable
panels that can be reshaped to form various-sized tables and backrests




Jetée 04-03-2010 03:26 PM

courtesy of astromonster zero one

Jetée 04-07-2010 04:15 PM

the Hyperedited Ronald McDonald Japanese Symphony Orchestra | MetaFilter

take from it what you will

disclaimer: do not watch more than 20 seconds of any of the videos above if you are paranoid about subliminal messages

example of the orchestra; piece No. 4 - "Beethoven's 5th Symphony"

Jetée 04-09-2010 07:02 PM

Japanese scientists have created a power-assisted suit which could make users as strong as Robocop or Iron Man.
Published: 11:10AM BST 09 Apr 2010

The metal-and-plastic outfit boasts eight electric motors that amplify the strength of the wearer's arms and legs, as well as sensors that can detect movements and respond to commands through a voice-recognition system.

Professor Shigeki Toyama and his team developed the power-enhancing suit at the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Mr Toyama plans to set up a company to start producing the futuristic outfit by the end of the year.

Kazuya Taira demonstrating the new power-assist suit developed by TAT professor Shigeki Toyama
at the TAT campus in Tokyo. -- Photo credit: AFP/GETTY

The suits can reduce the user’s physical effort by 62 per cent on average.

Industrial robots have long been common in Japan and heavy industries may decide that the suit would help ease any physical pain experienced by workers.

When bending knees the muscular activity is reduced by half, and the suit can also take most of the strain out of crouching.

Fifteen years in the making, the “robosuit” is due to hit the Japanese market in 2012 when it will initially retail for about one million yen (£8,100), a price tag its makers hope to halve if the device is mass-produced.

There are however currently no plans so far to sell the suits overseas.


Jetée 04-12-2010 01:27 PM

I love this example of purely representative Japanese production: the obstacle course.

(also, there was a big "obstacle course craze" here in America as well, if I recall correctly, and it was mainly Nickelodeon filming its progress and displaying it as entertainment thorughtout the late '80s-early '90s. THough, one cannot forget to include American Gladiators.)

Jetée 04-13-2010 04:18 PM

insta-noodle commercial for: Nissin Milk Seafood

Jetée 04-14-2010 12:47 PM

re-tracking the Japanesse robo-advancements, another intriguing example of what is eventually to come:

Robot designer and Judgement Day enthusiast Hiroshi Ishiguro recently
introduced the latest model in his line of ultra-uncanny “personal androids” —
the Geminoid F.

courtesy of gizmodo

Jetée 04-16-2010 02:55 PM

Pokemon As Traditional Japanese Art.

Jetée 04-19-2010 05:54 PM

A 3-foot-long horror story
The bathroom in many homes is a very lonely room. You only visit it when you need something, and not for the pleasant atmosphere the room provides. So is it really hard to believe that the lonely bathrooms around the world holds a deep seated grudge for the humans that use it? I think not.

Who else better than Koji Suzuki to put a little fear into this underappreciated room. Who is Koji Suzuki? While the name might not ring a bell, I’m sure you have heard of his work. He was the mastermind behind Ju-On… which was adapted into The Grudge here in the states.

The story “Drop” is set in a public bathroom, a place even more underappreciated than your normal bathroom. But would I be writing about Koji’s latest work if there wasn’t an interesting twist? How about this story takes up just 3 feet of text? And interesting way of measuring a story normally denoted by pages you say? Well this is no ordinary print. "Drop" is printed on, you guessed it, toilet paper.


For just $2.12 a roll, you can have a short story written by a master of horror himself… not to mention it’s perfect reading material during your short or maybe not so short stop. Maybe afterwards, you will have a new found respect and could consider bringing a book into the bathroom just to sit down and read.


Jetée 04-20-2010 03:48 PM

Nihonjin Tetris

[Human Tetris.]

(comment on the above TFP thread: both the original videos for the game show display broke, but I so happened to be fortunate enough to find that little_tippler's video was still intact elsewhere, so I used that one instead. Enjoy, without all the details.)

Jetée 04-21-2010 03:42 PM

again, there's some sort of disconnect for me when it comes to this sort of thing, as I know as much about Japan as any four-year resident is bound to pick up along the way, but there's still thing that eludes me: the fascination and modification towards better umbrella technology and status (and the whole cat-girl thing, but that's another story)

ブロードソード・アンブレラなんて日本人じゃない! 大和男児はやっぱりサムライ・アンブレラ!|デジタルマガジン

Jetée 04-22-2010 06:07 PM

The above illustrations were made by Takayoshi Mizuki between 1965 and 1972 (also known as the height of the gargantuan-monster-terrorizing-craze.

[existingvisual.] by way of [pinktentacle.]

Jetée 04-27-2010 02:44 PM

another parodied commercial, this time for Tuna Fish, I think..


Jetée 04-28-2010 10:38 AM

The Art of Hajime Sorayama



Hajime Sorayama Solo Exhibition at Nanzuka Underground
22nd MAY . 2010 – 19th JUNE .2010
Nanzuka Underground
2F 3-1-15 Shirokane Minatoku Tokyo
108-0072 Japan


Jetée 04-28-2010 01:54 PM

相澤心也『Cornation』 « Viceland Today Japan (a giant "Chokokorone")

A Chokokorone is a type of Japanese confection, or baked good, usually
illustrated and known by it's distinct spiral shape (resembling a sort of seashell)
and usually is seen as being filled with a jelly, or as is most often common, chocolate.


Photography and concept by Shinya Aizawa (to view more images of the gallery, just click and view the source url to see this cool concept Photo Series)


Jetée 04-29-2010 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by LoganSnake (Post 2453372)
The video is quite long, but you get the point very early on. In summary, so people can appreciate the video, Mario goes through this huge level with no player, no buttons pressed. The ROM hack has it so that the level starts, and from there, he moves throughout the stage, until the end, automatically.

Also, things that trigger sound effects (SMW sound effects) happen in sync with the songs. Videogame and anime music is featured.

(nevermind, I still have no better clue as to the opening cut BGM montage-remix to the video now, then I did two years prior.)

[Mario + Level Hacks + J-Pop = Awesome]

Jetée 04-30-2010 03:21 PM

Sumo fighter cycling to work, by Fartusbartus

(and, this isn't an all too-uncommon sight in Tokyo, or anywhere near a fairly-large dojo.)

Jetée 05-03-2010 02:14 PM

sights of Japan - "the vending machine"

by evasèe



Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2755458)
urban camouflage

Japanese Urban Camouflage by Aya Tsukioka

Jetée 05-06-2010 11:04 AM

seen in Japan - sneakerware

Classic is New_06 荒木経惟 |new balance × SWITCH|クラシック|シューズ製品|New Balance Japan

Jetée 05-10-2010 08:39 AM

and if you didn't hear the news, Nike is kind of taking over, and laying down the business, across the Ocean in Japan.

I Love Dust, for Nike: Japan

{ Music: Repair Machines, by Vitalic }

[Nike chase on Vimeo]

Jetée 05-10-2010 11:28 AM

and then there's the secret Music Video concerning NIKE FREE RUN (featuring a performance by DJ duo Hifana)


Jetée 05-10-2010 11:33 AM

Finally, there's the sad (if not tragic), cold corporate story of NIKE's ways, invading a public park, and kicking out its misplaced inhabitants.
(while it might "technically" not actually have been produced & created in Japan, the story is there, which should concern those around the locale.)

Director: Emil Langballe & Maria Samoto le Dous

Having documented the ongoing struggles of the homeless inhabitants of Tokyo's Miyashita Park,
"Our Park" is a short documentary that takes a further in-depth look into public space.
The selling and subsequent purchase of the park by Nike which resulted in its renaming are highlighted.
Furthermore, the artistic aspect of the park is brought to light as it serves as a place for many artists
to convene and promote their creativity.


Jetée 05-13-2010 02:35 PM

Giant Rubber Duckies
Again, this may not "technically" have been built on Japanese soil, and the artist is actually Dutch, but nevertheless, this installation was seen to have made a big spash when it debuted in Japan.

"A 10-meter-tall rubber duck has been seen on the waterways of Osaka, Japan. The humongous bath toy was designed by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman and was met with shouts of “Bathzilla! Bathzilla!”

Although this is not the first time the giant rubber duckie has been seen in a city, this is the first time it has floated in the waterways of Japan. Speaking of odd ducks, how about a round of applause for the randomness of Florentijn Hofman?"


Jetée 05-19-2010 09:22 AM

If you are unaware of what this post is meant to entail,
I may advise you to take a quick glance at what gravure
is all about; it was created in Japan, you know.

川村ゆきえ | Yukie Kawamura

Jetée 05-19-2010 08:34 PM

I'm still not sure from what show this is from, but it's definitely got Japanese monster-kitch written all over it.

Jetée 05-21-2010 08:05 PM

What We're Made Of
Japan by RobotKid

Jetée 05-22-2010 10:59 AM

(I can't believe I actually waited over 2 months, almost 3, to accumulate all the ingredients to finally post this. what I do for completion. As always: Enjoy.)

{If the above embeddable should break, a redirect link: Nunchaku Baseball - by EpicWinNet}

This is a clip showing an actual martial arts master in Sapporo (Japan) who has perfected the art of hitting baseballs with the nunchaku.

(gaw.. viddler.com videos worked all along? (to embed) I waited so long for nothing. :/ )


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+ bonus

If the above video showed excellent "ninja" skills, then this video is the expected accompaniment: Samurai Baseball

Seen just two months ago from a Japanese variety show, in which the swordsman revisited to how his technique.

there was also my humorous reply to the above (well, at least I thought it was good)..

[Samurai Warrior Blade vs. 93mph Fastball - TFP Thread.]

Jetée 05-22-2010 11:32 AM

daybreak at the Fukuoka city by kozyyy_t

author's comments:
we can see the Fukuoka Tower, Sea Hawk Hotel, and Fukuoka Dome Baseball Stadium from this place with sunrise.
all of them are the symbol of Fukuoka city.

{ Taken on April 21, 2010 }

Jetée 05-24-2010 10:10 PM

This is another one of those "caveats" here, as this painted piece is only on the tenebrous subject of Japan, (or maybe it's inspirational?) but the original artist who created it is not of Japanese descent in the least.

Yeti Over Mount Fuji II, by Phil Ashcroft ; acrylic on canvas ; 183 x 126cm, 72"x50" ; 2004.

Phil Ashcroft is an artist based in London. Combining influences from abstract expressionism, British landscape painting, Japanese woodcuts, and graphic street art, Ashcroft integrates varied visual styles to generate a crossover between space, object and environment.

"The unknown is a space at once fascinating and fearful by mankind’s technological advances and the romantic notion that there still lies undiscovered elements to the world in which we live. A derelict hospital, oil depots, nuclear power stations, the abominable snowman; collectively these semi-surreal settings and cartoon-like motifs appear as mysterious manifestations, phenomena both real and imagined."

Jetée 05-29-2010 04:22 PM

The Kagestar ("Za kagesutaa", 1976)

Jetée 06-08-2010 10:35 AM

Silly me - I initially, and completely, forgot to mention that the above man, is actually world-renowned photographer Nobuyoshi Araki
(grasping his newest favorite camera, the Pentax LX)

Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2784769)
Classic is New_06 荒木経惟 |new balance × SWITCH|クラシック|シューズ製品|New Balance Japan

ObieX 06-08-2010 02:47 PM

For those who don't speak Japanese:

You are a muscular individual who's protein powder has been stolen! Chase down the thief by flexing with your wiimote/nunchuk in the proper pose.

This guy is also in the game for some reason: Oda Nobunaga - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Jetée 06-10-2010 02:57 AM

Illustrated by 士郎 正宗 | Masamune Shirow.


Jetée 06-10-2010 11:52 AM

Kamen Rider(s)

Jetée 06-14-2010 09:26 AM

According to the web site, the goal of this beverage is to emulate super sour candies and, boy howdy, is it a success.
It smells relatively mild and doesn't look like much since it looks like modestly tinted carbonated water. The first sip
though is like drinking straight out of a bottle of lemon juice. It's incredibly intense and I wonder now if the goal is to
use this as a mixer for liquor rather than to drink it straight.


Jetée 06-24-2010 10:59 AM

Kit Kat Kaleidoscope: Far-Out Flavors From Japan : NPR

The Kit Kats you find in American stores offer a quick fix of chocolate and crispy wafers.
But in Japan, Kit Kats go far beyond chocolate, with flavors like ginger ale, soy sauce,
creme brulee and banana. NPR's Lynn Neary talks with Tokyo-based reporter Lucy Craft
about the unique candy market in Japan.

Jetée 06-29-2010 03:28 PM

Old Photos of Japan - the first in a series

Jetée 06-30-2010 02:20 PM

科学戦隊ダイナマン -- translated: Kagaku Sentai Dynaman.

*tidbit of trivia: the above scene is from episode 29, of the seventh installation to this series, entitled: Chimera's Cursed Clothes (キメラの呪いの服 Kimera no Noroi no Fuku). The entire Super Sentai series has been alongtime mainstay in Japanese televised children's production, (running continously for over 30 years!) alongside other popular counterparts, such as the Ultra series, and the Kamen Rider series. This series, and in particular, the 16th adaptation of the Super Sentai saga, were the initial basis and spawning of Saban Entertainment's The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, (and all future incarnations) now an ingrained part of North America culture for almost two continous decades now.


(see the gallery of the episode in the link above.)

Jetée 07-01-2010 03:23 PM

"Expanding Dreams! Service nation! Expanding hopes! Service nation!
Expanding chests! Expanding, expanding!"

*context: the commercial is for a construction company that is very good at "expanding" all sorts of things.

Jetée 07-02-2010 10:25 PM

Pounding your dough, using traditional Japanese methods [Buzzfeed]

The reason it made me smile so is because it is a cartoon scenario set in real life: over-sized props, fast-forward motion and all.

Jetée 07-07-2010 02:02 PM

a manga panel featuring a heap of a whole loads of Japanese characters and anime references.

As I've just learned, the image is a metaphorical one, for the long-standing industry of Japanese Manga, and its gradual decline over the years.

Japan’s Manga Industry in Dire Straits | Sankaku Complex [article]

Jetée 07-07-2010 05:44 PM

A humanoid robot HRP-2 Promet performs during the Digital Content Expo 2008 in Tokyo (October of 2008).
-- (Photo: Koichi Kamoshida/Getty Images)


Jetée 07-09-2010 03:31 PM

Osaka’s Koraibashi, 1910 -- Old Photos of Japan - the second in a series

Jetée 07-14-2010 02:27 PM

Ai Shinozaki (篠崎愛)

*(every wednesday, whenever I get around to it)

Jetée 07-16-2010 06:43 PM

Showbiz: Japan

Jetée 07-18-2010 08:58 PM

Japanese book cover, 1923


Jetée 07-31-2010 10:52 AM

Proletarian posters from 1930s Japan [gallery]
In the 1930s, a new style of poster emerged that reflected the growing significance of the masses in Japanese society. These artistic posters borrowed elements from Western design and often incorporated bold slogans with political, economic and educational themes.

Poster in advertisemtn for the Kusunoki Masashige Festival (by Kenkoku Kai, 1931)


Jetée 08-01-2010 12:49 PM

Illustrated artwork by Akira Yamaguchi.


Jetée 08-12-2010 09:34 PM

"Helm" — Tatsuyuki Tanaka

Plan9 08-13-2010 08:15 AM

Ribbed for her pleasure. I wonder if that dirty old bastard H.R. Giger was inspired by Japan or vice versa.

Jetée 08-13-2010 01:24 PM

Kamen Rider(s) - (if not's apparent, I really like these bug-eyed superhero bikers)

Jetée 08-18-2010 05:22 PM

fanservice! Wednesday feature

Ai Takabe

Jetée 08-18-2010 07:55 PM

illustrated by Hajime Sorayama

Jetée 08-28-2010 06:54 PM

BBC News - Tokyo's 'oldest man' had been dead for 30 years [news ; article ; outrageous conclusion?]


'Living Buddha'

Welfare officials had tried to meet Mr Kato since early this year. But when they went to visit, family members repeatedly chased them away, according to Tomoko Iwamatsu, an Adachi ward official.

Authorities grew suspicious and sought an investigation by police, who forced their way into the house on Wednesday.

They discovered a mummified body, believed to be Kato, lying in his bed, wearing underwear and pyjamas, covered with a blanket.

Mr Kato's relatives told police that he had "confined himself in his room more than 30 years ago and became a living Buddha," according to a report by Jiji Press.

But the family had received 9.5 million yen ($109,000: £70,000) in widower's pension payments via Mr Kato's bank account since his wife died six years ago, and some of the money had recently been withdrawn.

The pension fund had long been unable to contact Mr Kato.

"His family must have known he has been dead all these years and acted as if nothing happened. It's so eerie," said Yutaka Muroi, a Tokyo metropolitan welfare official.

Jetée 08-29-2010 02:04 AM

The Erotic Horror Portraits of Daikichi Amano

Jetée 09-01-2010 05:31 PM

Super Sentai Red Squadron Leader (Ranger) over the years and eras.


"The Super Sentai series have been airing in Japan for the past thirty years, and have been parodied as well as emulated in various ways throughout the world."

Jetée 09-08-2010 07:44 PM

MUSIC|シンガーソングライター エミ・マイヤー インタビュー

translated as: MUSIC | Interview with singer-songwriter Emily Meyer (Openers, Japan)

Jetée 09-13-2010 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2814464)
from 「ソラ色地帯」 (“Color Zone Sora”) by Shigenobu Akiyama, from Garo, Dec. 1973.

[Classic Covers]

Jetée 09-28-2010 07:30 PM

I haven't posted a video in a few pages, and I guess that's what anybody at all really cares about, so here's what I was depriving you of:

Jetée 09-29-2010 06:29 PM

戸田恵梨香 | Erika Toda ; for Young Jump Publications [ヤングジャンプ]

Jetée 11-03-2010 09:13 PM


(I don't feel like myself.)

Jetée 11-11-2010 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Jetée (Post 2822965)

[Classic Covers]

Jetée 11-21-2010 09:50 PM

The annual 出初 "fire ceremony", held in the Japanese town of Ninomiya (January 9, 2005)

Jetée 11-22-2010 06:01 PM

The Vanish rollercoaster, as seen at "Cosmo Land", in Yokohama Park, Japan.

Jetée 12-01-2010 02:07 PM

Ultraseven and her, as seen in Tsuburaya, Tokyo, Japan. Photo by: takahito iguchi

Jetée 12-11-2010 09:42 AM

Osaka (the second city of lights; 1955)

Nepenthes 12-11-2010 02:03 PM

I really like the neon lights in the Japanese cities I have been to at night. I have not been to Osaka yet, but I hope to some day. I like the light reflections on the water in the above picture.

Jetée 12-16-2010 04:23 PM

The famous bathing 'Snow Monkeys' of Nagano, Japan (in the hot springs at Jigokudani Yaen-Koen)

{Photography by edamame note ; photo was taken in January 2010, at Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park}

Jetée 12-19-2010 12:56 PM


{translated: The art of Sumo: by Donald Miralle}

Jetée 12-23-2010 04:58 PM

(* -)
The Fury of Rider V3's Special Training (Ishimori Productions + Toei)

TheCrimsonGhost 12-24-2010 06:35 AM

OMG that darth vader video on the first post is AWESOME

Jetée 01-12-2011 04:39 PM

Big Magnum Kuroiwa Sensei (Yamaguchi Kazuhiko ; 1985)

Jetée 01-19-2011 12:29 PM


Jetée 01-22-2011 07:42 PM

Kyoto, Japan, 1960 -- courtesy of Nat'l Geo Mag.

Jetée 01-26-2011 02:16 PM

Tengu by A. Davey

Jetée 02-09-2011 08:06 PM

佐々木 希 - Nozomi Sasaki

Jetée 02-10-2011 08:07 PM

Shin-Chan (could be?)

*semi-related (maybe?)

Jetée 02-11-2011 02:43 PM

An Eternal Thought in the Mind of Godzilla: Week of the Gargantuas - Art by Takashi Minamimura

Jetée 03-02-2011 05:56 PM

as seen in Japan (somewhere)

Jetée 03-04-2011 07:13 PM

Model: チェルシー舞花 | Chelsea -- Photography by 小笠原麗 | Rei Ogasawara

Jetée 03-08-2011 05:41 PM


Bonkai 03-09-2011 12:19 AM


From the movie Ponyo, beautiful animated film.

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