Originally posted by tecoyah
Not hatin'
Or when a fundamentalist attempts to "prove" what is essentially, an unprovable piece of the texts. The Noahs ark example is the most commonly used, as it is a completely impossible act of physical accomplishment, given the time and resources availible to the characters.
The problem here lies in the assumption by most people that the technology of the time of the flood was equal to that of about the time of the Roman Civilization. But this is far from the case. It is more credible to assume that the level of technological advancement at the time of the flood was at least equal to our own. It is also likely that most of the great mysteries of antiquity were antediluvian as well. The Sphynx was most likely built before the flood as it certainly bears signs of being covered by great flood waters. The landing strips on the Nazca Plains in Peru, the Monoliths at Easter Island, the various Stonehenge creations as well as the various other structures of questionable origin that dot our planet.
The french countryside, in some spots, is speckled with petrified stumps of equi-distant size and depth across the landscape, all snapped off at a similar level. Like modern day telephone poles would be in a similar situation.
The stories of Atlantis, or Lemuria could be about Sodom and Gommorah, or they could be about the pre-flood world. But it is silly to think that Adam and Eve's offspring who were the firstfruits, created directly by the hand of God, were anything less than Genius. Look at their accomplishments according to their generations, while also bearing in mind that these people lived centuries, rather than decades, and didn't face the modern problems of sickness and stupidity.
The legends of old- the Stories of Zeus and Odin and Hercules and such probably were based upon real exploits of the Nephilim- that race of Giants that existed as well. The Hindu sanskrits describe aerial dogfights between aircraft, and ancient artifacts have been found that look awfully close to our modern-day fighter jets.
The incredulity that Noah was faced with every day and the ridicule he endured may not have been because he was building an Ark, but because he was building an Ark in such and old-fashioned way.
To top that all off, there is no mention of rain in the Bible until the flood. That could be because they began polluting and it caused a manner of cloud-seeding. But that is pure speculation on my part. The Bible mentions that not only did the water come from above, but the wellsprings of the deep opened up and water exploded from beneath as well. This is what seperated the continents, and it was no gradual thing, either. In the end, most of the traces of pre-flood civilization were destroyed and Noah and his children were thrown into the stone age, left with their generations following, to communicate with cave paintings and animal skins and such.