Is it auto or manual? Check the park/neutral safety switch if its an auto, or see if its got some sort of clutch switch. I know several years ago, Ford had a thing where they put a switch on top of the pedal, and the starter wouldn't crank unless the clutch pedal was depressed. After that, i would say to go check you fuseblocks. Could be in pulling the cables off, you sent a voltage spike through the system, maybe blowing a fuse for something important? Maybe also take a look at your battery terminals and cables? Make sure both are good and clean, and not corroded. Check the cables (particularly the ground) to make sure they are in good shape, not frayed or broken or anything, and make sure you have a clean solid connection to ground. If you still can find anything, i guess check the starter wires. Make sure they are in good condition, and the ground strap has a good connection. Then check the relay going to the starter. After starting to run out of ideas, short of getting out there with a volt-ohm-meter and checking all sorts of connections along the way to see what is, and isn't working.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.