OK, there has to be a solution to this, my brother is whinging yet again
Basically he's complaining that he's not getting his moneys worth out of the internet, he uses it like once a week to download a something everynow and then.. bleh. He says he's only getting around 4kb/s and if that's the case he might as well cancel the ADSL and go back to dial up.
The way the system is setup is that there's 3 computers on the one line. We have a 512/128 unlimited plan.. Now what they state is that there is NO cap.. but the users that use the most bandwidth are put at the back of the service.. blah blah.. or something, I don't completely understand it myself. But what I do understand is that it doesn't get capped after 30gigs down to around a 24k model transfer rate >_<
There's 3 of us on the system. My bro and I on the service and his mate down the road who's connected via a WAN.
Things I have yet to stipulate to my brother on WHY he might not be getting the bandwidth he wants is:-
- He STILL has the original modem, Alcatel, which was software patched to be a router
He possible gets on during the day when everyone at the ISP is on (around 3-9pm I reckon is the highest usage time here)
The server on the other end is slow
I've basically told him it could be the last one on the list and he said he's had no problem with those servers before

Which doesn't mean that the file he's currently downloading isn't having usage problems now does it..
Anyways, just wondering if there are any programs that I could use to 'limit' the download speed of my network?
If anyone has an idea
oh this is our current ISP
if you want to check out more about their bandwidth limiting ways..