ok so the person who sits there and reads stats knows more than the person who has actually been in a game man what planet are you on your basically an armchair quarterback what you are comparing to hockey for experience is useless as they are 2 different things I have never said anything is absolute as you put it I am merely stating things as they went during my experiences your fancy stats don't tell you everything and I think you know nothing about this game and your main purpose is to aggitate because you are so clueless about this topic. And how can you say that me having experience gives me no knowledge about this subject, at least thats what I interprut from the first sentence of your post, man a person who has played the game his whole life is going to have more knowledge than someone who reads about something, I don't care if it's some dude in Singapore soldering shit or a fuckin hooker giving blowjobs, I'd take the head from the hooker with the experience than from the one who read about it. see I can use your little comparrisson's as well. I have never claimed to be the be all end all of hockey but trust me man I do have more knowledge than the likes of you, your facts don't always tell everything and if you go by just stats then you are missing a large portion of the game try and learn the little intricacies of the game, and not just read box scores. You're probably one of those guys who believes a team will lose if they haven't won on the 6th Saturday of the year and the moon is half and they are wearing white socks, all those stupid little stats that people like me see and say that's for those people who are clueless to believe.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder