I use my LCD for everything. The LCD Is a Samsung 192N and my old CRT is a Samsung 900NF Flat 19" CRT
In CounterStrike (the only FPS I play anymore) I do see a bit of an issue when moving fast, but for the mostpart its fine for me, and I used to be in CAL-I so I am not a noob who knows nothing

I just play for fun now tho.
If you play Racing Games, STAY AWAY. I have never seen anything as bad as this. Its Ok as long as you dont take things too seriously, but not being able to make out the far away objects clearly is a very big problem.
For RTS / RPGs its fine, there all slow enough pace that things done bother you too much.
Now for the good.
First I used to get serious headachs on my CRT after a number of hours working on photos or editing a video, after switching to the LCD these became few and far between. I love it for that.
second, the space it takes up is amazing and in my situitation is worth its weight in gold. Third, the brightness / clairity of the screen FAR outdoes my CRT (I dont know why I think this but it just seems to be better, and no my CRT is not a crappy one

). Finally the aspect of it that sold me on the whole idea (kinda sounds rediculus but meh) The AUTO button that will make the screen best fit......I LOVE IT. Change a res and in a matter of seconds the whole screen is perfect...MMM
Anywho, just my 2 cents. If you are serious about it, look into getting one of the newer 16ms panals, get a 17" one cuz it would only be one inch smaller then your current monitor, wont cost TOO much, and currently are the best choice for gamers.