Sorry guys (and gals?) that I haven't responded yet to some of your posts. I've got some personal business that is keeping me away from my computer. I care a lot about this topic, though, (go figure) so you can be sure that you will all get your reponses as soon as possible (next week probably).
Until then a few notes:
1) This thread isn't to make you like RealPlayer- it is to make sure that if you dislike it, at least it isn't based on false information.
2) RealPlayer (and others) has a built in browser so that it can offer an integrated browse and consume experience. If you don't like it, you can close the media browser and it won't load (and by "won't load" I mean the DLLs containing the webbrowser code are not loaded and are therefore not taking up any system resources- unless you care about the hard drive space- which at $1/GB I think you'll live).
3) The user interface - some people like it, some people hate it. We do extensive user tests during every release cycle and their feedback is reflected in the final product. If you are the type of person that likes RealAlternative, then no, you probably won't like RealPlayer (and visa-versa). BTW, it is skinable- there is a link to the download site in the "View" menu. I can't say that the skins are all that fabulous, but it hasn't been a big request.
4) In case you didn't notice, RealNetworks is a public company that has to answer to their shareholders. The bottom line matters, sometimes more than you all would like*. It is a fine line to walk. When Microsoft started giving their servers away for free, the company couldn't rely on server sales to subsidize the player anymore.
5) Subscriptions are the way of the future. Some of you may go kicking and screaming, but you'll go. You already subscribe to Cable/Satellite TV, Satellite Radio, Internet Service, Web Hosting, ... you'll eventually subscribe to RealPlayer (or something else like it). It makes more sense for users, and for media companies. Users because they pay one (low) monthly fee and get access to vast libraries of content, and media companies because it is a new, high margin distribution channel (that is resistant to piracy). I have a Rhapsody subscription that I use at home and at work to listen to a catalog of over 500,000 tracks- I pay $10 a month. Try that with iTunes- you'll have spent more money than me in the first two hours. (if you are getting your music from kazaa, then I'm really not talking to you. I should probably start a new thread for that conversation

OK, I've gone on far longer than I intended. I need to go to bed. Before I do, though, I have one request- for those of you insisting that RealPlayer slows down your system- try to get a screen shot of the process in Windows Task Manager that is "using up your system resources" while RealPlayer isn't running**. Then, after you have tried and failed, do me a favor and post a message here that you ran your mouth without checking the facts and that you are sorry. I'll forgive you.***
*I work for Real, but I'm not speaking for them. Everything written here is based on my own opinions using publicly available information.
**I'm assuming you have RP10 installed and that you've modified your message center preferences so that realsched.exe is not running.
***karma is so going to find a way to punish me for writting when I'm tired and annoyed. I've racked my brain trying to think of any other processes that could possiblly run in the background and I can't think of anything..... but karama always finds a way...