Benny, I agree with what you're trying to say, and appreciate your enthusiasm in trying to convey your thoughts, and obviously your heart's in the right place, but there were a few things that you said that bothered me:
It would keep them together, and off the streets. The spread of aids would go down.
Keep them together, and off the streets? I don't think a gay couple's determination to stay together is defined by whether they can marry or not. And off the streets? We're not talking about pushers or pimps here, or punkass teens. I'm was none too little appalled by this comment.
As for the spread of AIDS going down... I think we can all agree that despite of what gaybashers will have you believe, AIDS is as common among heterosexuals as it is among homosexuals. The last I heard, the HI virus can be transmitted via any sexual activity, and has nothing whatsoever to do with anal sex.
Again, I understand the point you were trying to make, but these comments that I'm emphasizing are stereotypes, and quite sickening ones at that. We're all responsible for trying to weed them out of intelligent conversation. We grew up learning these stereotypes, but our children don't have to.