I'm going through a pretty painful (but not ugly) breakup right now, and I'm finding that I don't feel like crying as much as I did the last (and first) time somebody I cared about broke up with me. I cared about this recent one a LOT more than I did the other, but the tears aren't always there - and that seems strange to me after the last episode. Part of me thinks that I'm just growing up, but part of me still believes that there are so many tears welled up inside of me and that I won't be done hurting until I've cried as many of them as I did before. Then I worry that I'm prolonging the pain by not dealing with it right away like I'm used to.
This was more of a necessary rant than anything, but it would mean a lot to me to hear from other ladies here (since he was the one that introduced me to TFP and I'd like to continue to associate good feelings with this community).
(Thanks for having a Ladies Lounge, TFP, and thanks in advance for any responses.)