First round report: inconclusive.
I was kind of hoping that the Aneros would do all the work for me. Sure, I read the directions and all, but I was hoping it'd be a bit more obvious.
Getting it in wasn't too hard, once I figured out what the correct angle was (hey, I said I'm new at this). It helps if you use the perenium abutment as a guide. And it didn't take long for me to get used to it.
"Continue to breath slowly and begin to contract the sphincter muscle in time with your breathing." Oops, I think I was contracting my PC muscle for the last 15 minutes. Hmm, let's work at that again.
"Concentrate your mind on your prostate." I have no idea where my prostate is. I mean, it's in there somewhere, but I don't really know where, or what it feels like when bumped, or whatever.
"At this time, lubricant plays an important role to keep the Aneros Massager as slippery as possible so that the massager’s movement is easily effected by the anal sphincter’s actions." Is it moving? I don't really know. Perhaps it isn't, and I lost too much lube in the insertion process.
Anyway, I was working this while my wife worked the Woody next to me (which she liked MUCH better than the standard rubber toys). She was done well before me. Eventually, she gave me a blowjob to finish me off, since the Aneros didn't seem to be getting me anywhere this round. And, my eventual orgasm was kind of constricted; perhaps the perenium abutment was pressing against the wrong tube, or something.
Anyway, as I stated above, "results hazy; try again later." There's a forum on the Aneros web site for further advice. I'll read up further there, and give another shot later.
I can't read your signature. Sorry.