1. Mainly because people are either ignorant to the disease (Africa) or are fucking idiots and don't use protection.
2. Nice shot at Christians, but for the most part the various churches have found evolution and the big bang consist with creation.
3. You have to be ignorant to the fact that violent crime spikes in countries that have regulated guns.
4. I'm not going to lie, I'm completely ignorant to the enviroment.
5. Infanticide is natural to, lets have at it! And as it goes just because the majority of republicans disagree with homosexuality doesn't mean we think that they are evil.
6. Yeah I support the death of miserable fuck up murderers. And get this I am agains the systematic genocide of helpless babies. Wow I'm really out of line there.
7. Fair enough
8. I was watching South Park tonight... "Its coming right for us!!!"
9.Doesn't matter if money is inherited or not, it belongs to the people, its not the governments place to take it.
10. I don't get what war you are referring to. In Afganistan we fucked up some bitches who harbored terrorists that perpetrated the greatest domestic attack since PEarl Harbor on a civilian population... don't think we were out of line there. Iraq was doctrine carried over from Bush Sr. and Clinton, not really in response to anything that has happened within this administration.
11. Who's not paying them? This is a common misconception. Bush only cut the growth not their actual pay or benefits. And with saying that they still got an increase in pay.
12. The NRA guards one amendment specifically. The ACLU is selective and opportunistic in their defending on the constitution.
13. The top ten percent of America's wealthiest pay 60+% of the taxes, the Top 3% pay something like 36% of the taxes. Get serious, your ignorance is disturbing.
14. Affirmitive Action is misguided and poorly used. BTW it's not the republicans that keep the poor on the doll and thus ensuring their votes.
15. Ann Coultier is a nut job.
16. ???
17. Are you talking about CLinton or Bush here?
18. Not just republicans but close to 75% of the population agrees with the Ten Commandments being displayed. I don't like how the voice of one person can ruin something for the voice of the many.
19 & 20. w/e
To win a war you must serve no master but your ambition.