Change your mind frame.
Not saying I am all tough, but I smoke it, but can live without it. There are days where I don't feel like it. I have a kid and also I know that I don't need it- simple as that. It's just a tool of enjoyment. I know that I can simply find enjoyment in life itself without weed. That is the only drug I do though, and I, for one, don't think of it as a drug. Your mind is the drug when it comes to weed- because it's really not addictive at all- It's a mental addiction- thinking that you need it to have a good time, lighten up, relax, release tension, etc. but there are natural methods of doing that. Play your favorite game, go for a nice walk, meditate, write, shoot hoops- whatever.
It's really all in the head. You are only needing it if you tell yourself you need it.