heh, sorry, but how exactly do you quantify how intense you're going at a given time
As for myself, i am actually at the stage of getting back into high intensity stuff and some strength endurance stuff. I don't know if my
amatuer program would be accepted by someone above the crowd, but what i like to do is some stair (or hill) climbing. Run up, pretty much 100 per cent (i guess

) and then run down again (of course at a lower rate). Rinse repeat.
Also i do some running on the spot, raising my kness as high as possible and vary intenstiy, by going hard and then back to a jog. Similar to a jump rope, probably. Although i probably should get one of those!
Finally, another is some boxing, or
air boxing 
. Punching the air with 2*2->3kg dumbell weights for a minute or so, just
cutting sick and then just some slower softer stroke inbetween. Do until i am
fucked (after about 10-15 minutes). It'd be good to get an actual bag though