Originally posted by Paq
you'd be committing a crime by ovulating w/out conception just as a man commits a crime by masturbating w/out chance of impregnating a woman.
As for when life begins, sometimes, you can't tell until the clump of cells is way past 70 yrs old..
And Ustwo and Mojo_PeiPei:
The discussion here is not about abortion. We've established that the 72 hour pill does not stop anything that has already implanted. It simply prevents ovulation. If ovulation has not occured before this pill has taken, then it does not occur. If there was no ovulation, then there was no egg.if there was no egg, there was never fertilization. if there was no fertilization there was never a clump of cells to argue about. If there is nothing to argue about, we should return to our regularly schedualed thread and discuss if the pharmacist has a right to express his moral beliefs when practicing in the public health feild and/or if when paid by someone to do a job, you understand that your representing the company and you left your personal opinions on anything from the superbowl to the 72 hour pill at the door when you clocked in.
My opinions on the thread at hand are clear in my first post.
His personal beliefs where incompatible with his choosen proffesion and employer, both of which mandated that the 72hr pill was acceptable. Therefor he deserved to lose his job, and his name should
not be withheld for privacy, so that other pharmacy's can know who he is to decide if they want him on staff.