I want to take a second to thanks darkure for the BBSpot Article. It was very enlightening.
I now understand the services better and I think I may try one or two of them out to see how things work. I will try to update any findings that I have. My big concern continues to be portability of the music. I don't want to buy music, just to have it self distruct on me when I change comps, so I will look for ways around this.
In a way, I WANT to be welcomed back into the world of respecting IP. Just about 100% of the software on my comp is above board. Music, as I mentioned, has been a different story.
Anyone else have any ideas on legally DLing music? Any more reviews or your own thoughts?
All truth passes through three stages:
First it is ridiculed
Second, it is violently opposed and
Third, it is accepted as self-evident.