I didn't feel less safe even right after 9/11. Of course I was shaken, the whole thing was a shock-a terrorist attack of that magnitude had never occured before in the US. But to me, its one of those things where I'm more likely to die because my climbing harness breaks or because I fall off my bike and hit my head or something like that than I am to die from a terrorist attack. There is always the risk of dying, but I'm not going to let that stop me from living. I still went/go to NYC, even though the "terrorist warning level" was high. And I'm still here. Had a great time in the city, too. So my answer is I never felt threatened.
That said, is the risk greater? My guess is yes. I'm a bit cut off from the news here at school, but last thing I saw, the Iraqis were getting annoyed at the American presence, mainly because they (the americans) weren't doing anything to help rebuild. That might have changed by now, but they will still remember the initial reaction, or lack thereof. The war hasn't made us any more popular in the middle east. There's still North Korea, which has some nuclear weapons. And there's probably some other groups out there that don't particularly like us.
I'd rather be climbing...
I approach college much like a recovering alcoholic--one day at a time...