Originally posted by powerclown
Ask Original King if he gives a shit what it is...coke, pot, meth, crack...its interferring with his relationship with his mom.
I agree with the latter part of that, but I'm saying driving her to rehab won't do anything if she is smoking pot (at least from the old timers I know that smoke pot).
That is why, if you read, I said talk to her about everything but not bring up the pot. It most likely will be more effective. If you bring up the pot and she is an addict (if there is such a thing as a marijuana addict (very possible there is)), she will automatically get defensive about it and be more likely to close her mind to any sort of suggestion.
Originally posted by fulkramic
Your defenses go up, and depending on your character you may become stubborn and not want to listen.
That is probably how she will feel. But what fulkramic said is on the dime...very very good points.
Good Luck.