Thread: Questionaire
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Old 01-30-2004, 02:29 PM   #8 (permalink)
1. Age: 24, 25 in April

2. Gender: Female

3. Fave color: sky/baby blue

4. Fave food & drink: Italian/Water, coffee, tea, juice

5. Most important to you: Family

6. Least important to you: material things, problems

7. Fave place to be: home w/my family

8. Hobby/interests: internet, music, singing, selling incense/oils, writing, acting, tennis

9. Job: Office Asst. for my folks' business/Owner of Puressence

10. Your mantra: The value of love can never be bought, but always well-spent.

12. Animal that most resembles you:Cat

13. Fave show: Friends, Smallville

14. Fave band/artist: Too many: David Gray, Sky Cries Mary, Jewel, Norah Jones, and John Mayer mostly

15. Fave movie: Matrix, Office Space, Armageddon

16. Own/Rent? Rent- will own.....again

17. Fave season or weather: all have their special qualities, right now I wish it were summer, tho. I like stormy weather.

18. Deep conversation or small talk? Both, but I really get charged from a deep conversation.

19. Things you like to do with your friends: play games, have a drink

20. S/O or Spouce? Spouce! Married 4 yrs. to moonstrucksoul

21. Something you believe strongly about: being yourself and respecting others

22. Pet Peeve? No, none really

23. Fave holiday: Easter, this year, because it will be my bday, but I really enjoy Christmas without the hibbub of gifts & chaos

24. Fave site (besides TFP):,,,

25. If you could tell the world just one thing, what would it be? Stop fighting and realize that we are all the same with different qualities. There can be peace in this world if you let there be.

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