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Old 01-29-2004, 08:59 AM   #129 (permalink)
The Matrix had a point...
BuDDaH's Avatar
Moderator Emeritus
Location: 10th Mountain ASB Fort Drum, N.Y.

You still fail to see the point, yet you continue try to point it out like you know. You don't.
Originally posted by ApexgriN
Actually, the Americans were supporting an African-American friend. In you're obviously devisive statement, you claim that being African American is only valid if you are black.
I don't know what part of the world YOU live in, but not matter how you turn it, there is a GREAT difference between an AFRICAN in America and an African-American. (Lets make it even CLEARER: An African exchange student in AMERICA and an AMERICAN of AFRICAN DESCENT.)
Got it now?

Originally posted by ApexgriN

How can you say that he is not an American of African decent? He was born in Africa. He experienced African culture. He is now in America.
Read the article: He is an exchange student from Africa not a naturalized citizen of the United States of America.

Originally posted by ApexgriN

Because they were not African-American.

Yes, since this award was to be given to an African-American...
Looks like someone NEEDS to read the article abit more.. I am not going to repeat the obvious.. It's in there...

Originally posted by ApexgriN

Are you trying to say that if he was a black man that had just moved from Africa a few years ago, he would have also been disqualified and suspended?
I don't pretend to know the politics of who and how they come around deciding, I just know it isn't done by the students, nor should the students should be pointing in any direction about someone being qualified because he is from Africa..
Originally posted by ApexgriN
Uh, you're a Black American. Not one more than the other.
No, you listen: I tell YOU what I am, not the other way around.
Originally posted by ApexgriN
This was billed as an award open to African-Americans. Not a decendantsofafricanswholivedinamericaalongasstimeagoohandyouhavetobeblack award.
What is the definition of African-American to you? What does African-American means to you? All my life and majority of everyone I know AND in the whole damned world knows and has the same meaning to the definition
of African-American.

Originally posted by ApexgriN
He was suspended.

Originally posted by ApexgriN

I've never seen one of these at a public park. Have you? Oh, you're talking about 50 years ago, well before any of those kids were even born.

Dude, it's 2004.
Just because you haven't seen it doesn't mean it hasn't happened. This is where we see a difference between you and I. I HAVE seen it and it wasn't 50 years ago, in was in 1974, Beaufort County, S.C. But sidestepping my personal experience, racial segregation and the fight for racial equality hasn't ended, there is still some state the JUST last year got sued by the students because they still had LAWS forbidding mixed raced children to attend the prom. There also was in another state where students sued to have the law overturned so the can all attend the same prom, not have one for them and one for the Blacks.
That was 2002. (To ask a question, which prom YOU think he would attend?) Wake up, sleeper..

Originally posted by ApexgriN

This is just stupid. They'd both die, white people didn't like white people who liked black people. Luckily it's really 2004, and this broken "point" has no bearing on the reality of TODAY.
Yeah, all right, lemme see, hmmm.... I didn't say anything about him being a friend, but lets sidestep that and I'd counter you with a situation form 1968 or 1969: There was a group of boys going around promoting voter's rights for African-Americans. They were stopped by the police or a group of men, dragged out of the car, beaten, killed, then taken with their car and dumped and buried in side the car. Three caucasins and a African-American they were just giving a ride to his home. Before you say that was back then: 4 years ago, an African-American was dragged behind a pickup truck over 7 miles to his death in the state of Texas. Ring a bell?

Originally posted by ApexgriN

I missed it, but lets do...
You are still missing it

Originally posted by ApexgriN

Wait, there's no black people that work at Harvard? I'm not saying this NEVER happens, but why would you be afraid of a background check? If you've been a good person (black or not) you shouldn't have to worry about receiving a background check. You're applying a sick stereotype here. Have you not seen progress? I assume you're also claiming that a black person would never make a decision on an applicant based on skin color. Purely insane.
Do you live in a bubble world where no shit clings on you or what?
I was just pointing out a very bad practice that is happening nowadays, its called "racial profiling" and it is being practiced under the guise of having a background check done. I haven't been living State-side for about 14 years and when I go for an interview, they cannot pull anything up, so when I tell them where they can find information about me, they don't even bother to follow it through. I did not mention anything about being afraid of a check, but I have seen them ask me for one and didn't even ask my friend I went to the same interview. He even asked WHY they didn't ask him but me. Why am I going tit for tat with you, is to show where you are talking nothing about what you don't know but yet chooses to voice an opinion.
Originally posted by ApexgriN

Both of you. If they have reason to suspect a crime, they won't just let half of you walk away.
A kid just got shot and killed not too far from where I write this.
Wasn't suspected for any crime.
Explain that to his parents...

Your last few points I won't even bother to go tit for tat, because it shows you, and not the majority of people who think and see the same crap, are not on the same planet. I want a ticket to where you live, I'll have a nice picket fence and a dog in the dog house, with neighbors like Mr. Roger and the Brady Bunch. Then when I'll have a problem, it will all get solved by sundown...

I'd hit that so hard whoever could pull me out would become King of England!

Last edited by BuDDaH; 01-29-2004 at 10:12 AM..
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