The only dream that I can really hard link to reality happened a couple years ago. It was the scariest thing I've ever experienced while dreaming.
It was about 3 am, I'd been asleep for about 3 hours. I opened my eyes, laying on my side in my bed. Everything was normal for a couple seconds, then suddenly the walls started vibrating and an overwelming terror came over me. I could not move, I could not understand why reality was breaking up before me. This continued, and I saw a short demon like creature appear in the corner, about four feet from the bed. There were various other unexplainables in the bedroom with me. It was incredibly vivid, and the feeling of having no control of my life and my surroundings was overwhelming. I managed to start screaming and started pounding the wall above me for my roommates to come save me. I woke myself up screaming, in the same position I was dreaming in. It was the _most_ terrifying dream I had ever experienced. The feeling of my reality falling apart and not having any control over it was and is still powerful.
I got up and stayed up for about 2 hours, too afraid to sleep again.
About two weeks later, I found out someone that I loved very dearly (who should have been sleeping next to me that night) was out flushing our trust down the toilet, and then my true reality fell to pieces. The exact timing of the dream and the remote "event" was pretty damn close too. I've yet to gather it all back. It sucks even writing this, I'm done.
Last edited by ApexgriN; 01-27-2004 at 03:38 PM..