Anybody watch the debate?
No real winner, but Clark didn't do so hot. If I had to call it, the winners were Edwards and Kerry, with Dean a solid second. The problem for Dean is that he really needed to hit a home run in this debate, and he put up a performance that was merely good.
The biggest problem I had was the format. Brit Hume was among the questioners, and throughout the debate, all we got were RNC talking points worded as questions. Clark got about 5 or 6 questions like that. Edwards was asked about how a Democratic party leader called Bush a bigot, and about how his youth might disqualify him. The candidates were actually asked to pledge support for keeping the NH primary first in the schedule.
Basically, I don't think the debate will truly hurt anyone, but it is an opportunity lost (or rather not exploited) for Dean and Clark.
"Erections lasting more than 4 hours, though rare, require immediate medical attention."