again this comes back to my basic point, these people dont feel threatened... I agree with you completely, of course nobody cares, americans are known worldwide for not caring. But how about you try living here without the government controlling things? then people would really care... I dont have the figures but I'm sure voting percentage when we declared a revolution against England was close to 100... everyone cared when there wasn't a government taking care of things. That war and the civil war are examples that people used to care, many southerners enterd the confederate army because somone was invading their homeland. Now we don't' see anyone invading american soil so no one cares... makes sense. However, just because the shock is gone, doesn't mean it isn't still our duty to care. Obviously I don't presume to think if I just tell everyone they should care I can change the world, this is more of an academic question trying to get to the root of the problem... which some would say is that people dont care... true... but this is the effect of a cause... people forgetting what its like to live in a not as secure environment where it is your duty to care.