Originally posted by Lebell
I can sorta agree with that, but the counter argument is that driving is a privilege while own firearms is a right.
In otherwords, would you also agree do training and licenses before you could exercise your right to free speech?
Folks do need to get licenses from local government before they stage protests, but I'm not sure there really is a good comparison to be made with speech.
I just wish common sense could be knocked into some politicians (and people for that matter). Republicans: I don't want to take your guns away, I just want to make things safer for everybody. Democrats: guns are a part of the American fabric, it's a part of what we are - they aren't going to go away.
Of all the candidates out there, Dean really has the most rational stand on this issue: let the states decide what is best for them. It just so happens the constitution agrees with him too: "A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state..."