Originally posted by Hycdubg
When you are married, you will always be able to see things that are wrong with your mate. You will argue, if you don't, there is something wrong with you or you both are repressing way too much crap and you both will blow up sooner or later. These things are normal. You have to just make that decision to stick it out and get through it.
I have to voice loud, boisterous, obnoxious disagreement with this. I used to believe it too - used to think that people who said "we don't fight" were full of shit. Not true.
My 2nd wedding anniversary will be in September. We started dating in May of '99. We have never, I repeat NEVER had a fight (or an argument or whatever you want to call it).
We disagree, to be sure, but I've never said something I regretted enough that one statement (apology, explanation) didn't correct the situation.
Don't believe this crap about 'well, you'll argue from time to time, just get used to it' because it's not true. Not to say that there's anything wrong with it, mind you, just that it's not a requirement.
And one piece of advice/experience: One key to a happy, succesful relationship is to do the work on yourself you need to do and encourage your partner to do the same. Two whole, complete, happy people create a whole, complete, happy relationship. Therapy is good.