ahh, more fresh meat.
Janie: got a gun? tell us about it. does it make your loins quiver when you shoot it?
Spungfoo: Foo Fighters, do they suck, or just blow?
zmbabwe: tell us about your last brush with the law. were you guilty? did you admit to it and take your punishment like a man?
GakFace: I"M asking the questions around here. No reversals. Your question: "Talk to the hand, coz the face dont wanna hear it" or "Is that your face or did your neck throw up"? why?
zmiley: which would you "do": your mom or your sister (if no sisters, then your brother. if only child, then mom or dad)? why?
flyman: which would you rather eat, a bowl full of steaming diarhea or a bowl full of fresh puke? why?
He's the best, of course, of all the worst.
Some wrong been done, he done it first. -fz
I jus' want ta thank you...falettinme...be mice elf...agin...