Originally posted by madp
Economically speaking, we are MUCH more free in the US (e.g., lower levels of government confiscation of wages, decent respect for private property). However, I assume you're speaking of civil liberties.
Er... the government does not "confiscate" your wages. You pay taxes, which are then used to help the country as a whole, which is also good for you personally. I could never quite figure out that many Yanks have against their supposed high tax rate... it's *nothing* compared to Europe. But then, in my country, that money is spend on social benefits, universal health-care, good (nearly free) schooling, construction of vital infrastructure, etc. etc.
As for the respect for private property: can you give me some examples where this respect is better in the US than in Western-Europe?
TheKak: the examples of extreme laws in Spain and Germany can be compared to extreme laws in many US states and/or counties. But the anti-nazi thing in Germany makes sense, given their history.
Finally, the freedom of speech thing: in many places in Europe, freedom of speech is also very important, *but* sometimes this freedom infringes on other people's freedoms; then it's not allowed. In our country, that means you cannot make discriminatory remarks. I happen to agree with that idea.