Thread: Lucid dreaming
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Old 01-09-2004, 12:40 PM   #1 (permalink)
Psychopathic Akimbo Action Pirate
Location: ...between Christ and Belial.
Lucid dreaming

Just thought I'd start a thread about lucid dreaming since I haven't seen one (and can't search for one).

For the ignorant, lucid dreaming is the concept of being in a dream, becoming aware that you are in a dream, and then taking control of the dream.

Many people believe that this phenomenon can even be practiced and mastered to the point such that a person can have lucid dreams practically at will.

While many people think that lucid dreaming doesn't exist, I read that a scientist long ago actually had convincing evidence that it is indeed real. I believe the experiment went something as follows:

We all know you can hook up machines to a person's head and monitor the different stages of sleep/dreaming they are in by watching their brainwave patterns. We have very distinct patterns (mostly alpha-waves, I do believe) when we are in R.E.M. sleep, which is our dreaming cycle. So, the scientist found an individual who claimed to be skilled at creating lucid dream situations for himself. The scientist instructed this guy to move his eyes back and forth a certain number of times while dreaming so that he could prove consciousness.

Sure enough, it happened. And it was during his R.E.M. sleep cycle. The results were reproducable as well.

(I don't remember the source of that information, so I can't check the correctness of it, but that was the gist of what happened, anyway.)

Please add your knowledge, input, comments, whatever about lucid dreaming. I think it's fascinating.
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