slept w/a lesbian...
so one of my best friends happens to be a lesbian, and that's fine. when i met her a couple years ago, i was attracted to her, before i found out (and technically before she really figured it out), and of course that went noplace fast.
we're both fourth year college students (i'm an engineer, she's art (go figure)) and last night we went to the seedy local club right next to campus for quarter draft night. we got a little tipsy, then we danced, and went to go home. I walked her back to her place to see that she got there, and to make a stop on my way home, it was really cold last night.
I wind up rubbing her back, we watch tv, and we wind up spending the night in her bed, amusing ourselves w/other things then tv.
now we're both kind of like, what the hell do we do now. i'm still intested in her, and she's suddenly at least somewhat intested in me (we arent blaming alcohol or anything like that). the issue arises of crouse from the fact that i'd make one guy she's been intested in, and she's not sure she's ok w/that (her: 'does this make me less of a lesbian'? 'either that or you're reverse experimenting')
i guess i'm not looking for advice or anything. the situation is just pretty amusing and i thought i'd share w/people i've never met (since i've been sworn to secrecy at least for the time being w/people who we both know, she's built up a reputation for being a lesbian, and would be very irritated if people were like 'oooooo you slept with a boy!')