Guthmund, this shows that it would not be offensive to mock Jews or muslims how? All this shows me is that Art Televison is only mocking those that are safe to mock. Why not slap an Amish man? They dont fight back either? If he wishes, I dont know if he even wishes this i am assuming, to be cutting edge and make comentary, which i assume he does, why not mock the NON safe groups? Didnt great artists do just that? Mocking Christians in America is about as cutting edge as painting still life. Its old, trite, and others have done it better.
I could show you an even longer list of Koranic Rules on how to treat the infidel, rules that are STILL to be obeyed, but that is not the point of this thread.
Last edited by Endymon32; 01-01-2004 at 10:57 AM..