Originally posted by Strange Famous
Shooting living creatures for fun is inhumanly cruel.
Shooting inaminate objects for fun seems needlessly destructive to me, and I struggle to see how it is entertaining. if people like it so much they can play with waterpistols or toy guns that fire little plastic pellets that couldnt hurt anyone.
Shooting animals is fun, especially if you finally catch that son of a bitch ground hog that's tearing up your garden, or sighting that deer that you've been waiting for for 8 hours.
Tough luck for them but that's the way it goes. Over here white tail deer can be a real problem for the environment as well as other species, we have hunting seasons to thin their ranks out so overall we have a stronger eco-system. Like just recently New Jersey had a bear season I think, peta flipped out but they don't look at the big picture. Indeed, hunters are very kind to animals, even if they're extremely tasty or make snazzy rugs.
I agree that people shouldn't kill animals just out of sadism, but hunting deer and varmints is far from unneccesary.
Also, water pistols or pellet guns? Hahahaha, no. It is entertaining, though I doubt you've ever fired a gun of any type.