The hypocrisy that sickens the decent opinion of making
How about the fact that Bush claimed his attack on Iraq was because Saddam had WMD (he did not, the UN inspections proved this, and only when Bush and Blair were CERTAIN Iraq could not defend itself did they attack)
Yet Bush used chemical weapons (napalm) against Iraqi conscripts, and biological warfare against Iraqi civilians (deliberately destroying water and electricity supplies to make Iraqi cities surrender to them, in other words, causing so many Iraqi elderly and children to die of illness and epidemic that they would have to bow to the American's)
In this war, which is just basically a mugging to steal Iraqi oil supplies, is it not the disgusting hypocrisy of Blair and Bush that sickens any decent human being the most? Worst even than the crime itself almost, is the way they claim they are doing what they believe is right.
Saddam was certainly a brutal and violent dictator, one that America created, armed, supported and turned a blind eye to when he used chemical weapons on the Kurds in 1988. i cannot say that either Bush or Blair are any less evil.