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Old 12-24-2003, 02:05 PM   #118 (permalink)
I guess you didnt read what I posted. I guess you two would be happy if liberating Iraq cost more human lives? The sad fact of this gray world is that you have to pick your battles and make deals. Its called politics. And democrates made deals with North Koreans and, Cubans and Chinese, that sucks too.
To make this war run as well as it did, we needed to deal with the lesser of two evils.
Like I Said before, and you two choose to ignore, is that once this mess is cleaned we can move to the next mess.
I like how people like Superbelt complain that we did this alone, which we didnt, and from the other side of their mouths complain that we made deals with other nations so we could do this?

So what is it? Should we do it alone or with someone ? Damned if you do, damned if you dont?

I say that the BUsh Adm is talking care of the biggest threats to Americans. So far, Uzbekistan is not a threat to us, or its neigbhors and a US backed invasion is not a reality. We needed access to its airspace, and land to stop a greater threat.
Its ugly, but its the way the world works.

Sorry everything is not simple, like you wish, ( and I wish too) it to be.
War is ugly, but sometimes its nessasary. And now, it looks like, and the people of America and Iraq agree ( if you believe the polls) that the world is now indeed a safer place. And part of making the world safer was dealing with Uzbekistan. Sucks, thats why being the President is a hard job. You have to choose the hard choices.
Endymon32 is offline  

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