Originally posted by Journeyman
What I'm saying is this: Wouldn't the mass of the neutron star pull the black hole in it's direction while the star is inside of the EH, changing the BH's velocity and thus leaving a trace of itself?
The neutron star pulls the black hole toward it all the time until it reaches the center of the black hole - the same way every object in the universe pulls every other object toward it. The moon is pulling the earth toward it. You are pulling the earth toward you. Only thing is, we don't notice because the earth is so much larger that you have a negligible effect on it while it has a very noticible effect on you.
As for going into orbit, it all depends on its initial trajectory. If the neutron star were heading straight for the black hole, it'd just fall in. It'd have to be heading toward the black hole at an angle at just the right speed to go into an orbit - too fast or too wide of an angle and it'll race off into space. Too narrow and it'll get pulled in by the black hole.