Originally posted by Phaenx
Yeah, but you guys would have screamed bloody murder if we decided to take on NK anyways. We've been using words for 11 years with Iraq about their WMD's and the left still bitched about not giving diplomacy a chance. Imagine what they'd do if we were in a situation where that was actually true.
It would be something if not the inability to find the actual weapons or not giving diplomacy a chance, there's never a shortage of something to bitch about in politics.
That said, Iraq was probably the path of least resistance. Both militarily and politically.
Anyone with half a brain would scream bloody murder if bush chose to take on north korea. Anyone who would label iraq a quagmire would have a field day with nk. Maybe nbc could revive M.A.S.H. for a whole new generation. Might make for some compelling tv.
There were plenty of righties who complained about bush's plans in iraq, including i believe the elder bush. You can pretend that it was only the left who complained, but then you couldn't accuse anybody of revisionism without being a hypocrite.
I agree that there is never a shortage of things for people to bitch about in politics, but you must realize that nitpicking is always a bipartisan affair. Don't try to claim that it is only a function of the left.
The invasion of iraq is only the path of least resistance if it turns out that iraq actually posed a threat to america. Hardly seems that way to me. Though i was under the impression that we(america) aren't in it for ourselves, we're in it to liberate the oppressed peoples of iraq.