Team Enishi
Member one, Tarrae - Age 21, Bit of a medival fighter. Wears a full suit of armor and carries a large Zweihander (large two handed sword). Because he is wearing armor and carrying such a massive sword he makes every one of his strikes accurate and powerful. A focused swing can cut through several trees.
Member 2, Jeriyu - Age 20, The complete anti-verse of Tarrae, he is quick, nimble, wears no armor, and two daggers for weapons. Instead of killing an opponent with one shot he opts to roll and jump around an opponent making little cuts with his daggers. But the pain from these cuts is no less painfull and the pain adds up until his opponent bleeds to death or just collapses.
Since this team is only of two members both of them are twice as well trained and twice as deadly.
Background : They we're best friends since thier childhood, they would always spar with eachother. Always gaining more power and strength. They know eachothers styles perfectly and can almost predict their partners next move. They can fight in unison, playing off of eachothers, making them deadly alone but much more so together.
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Last edited by TerresqueÜ; 12-17-2003 at 02:31 PM..