amonkie..... i think you got it all. Those are necessary, and could mean a difference between hictchiking and going home. Could mean the difference between several hundred bucks and half hours labor too.
Just also learn all the ruitine maintenance schedules (how to change air filter, check tire pressure, rotate tires, etc.) and what all the gauges on your dash are, what they mean, and the various ways they can light up (such as a CEL...on or blinking?). One other aspect that many people surprisingly dont know at to wash your car. This is actually pretty important, and there are wrong ways to do it. Such as dish soap every wash...
All in all....i think your set. And props for wanting to know how stuff works. Specially the most expensive, useful, and little knowns tools you will ever buy. Given your interest in'll probably find that as you learn all the basics...youll always find something more complicated you want to know.
Dont cry kid, It's not your fault you suck.