FYI: XianXian is a ditz when it comes to identifying treasure. Like most of the Fey folk, its all just shiny things to her.
Rogue: I hear you. We had our telephone system go down in september, and no matter how many times I cite errors in the rotary programing and rotary computer, it takes about 6 different angles of a problem before the systems manager will send a technician to fix it.
The frustrating thing, is that the technician will either not fix the problem, or will address a completely different issue, and cause a problem elsewhere. Its been since september, and the main problem; in getting phones answered within 40 seconds, still hasn't worked.
Example: A customer calls into our network. Our phones have three settings "Available (taking calls)" "Unavaialable (on break of some sort)" and "Work (ussually calling a customer, or contacting a vendor, so that no incoming calls come to the phone)".
I've figured out through many different methods that when a Teleservice agent is on "Unavailable" a call still logs into the buffer zone of their phone. So though phones elsewhere in the office might not be ringing, there are still calls loading onto the person's phone who is on break. As soon as they sit down, they turn their phone on, and delightfully hear, 'you think you could have put me on hold any longer?'
No matter how many times I address this to management, they don't believe it possible, even though I've looked up the schematics and process of how to fix it through siemens support faqs.
I'm sure your database issue is quite a bit more advanced than our phone system, but still... Its terrible when there isn't any intermediary support to assist you.