Originally posted by SecretMethod70
People don't get access to the Erogenous Zone just by posting. There is no "magic number" at all. If a person is given access to the Erogenous Zone, that means that one of the mods has seen that 1) they are eligible (i.e. someone will not be even considered before a certain point) and 2) their posts are generally quality posts that contribute to the forum overall.
Interesting method - and not a bad idea at all. When did this take affect? I've been a on again/off again reader/looker/occasional poster of the forums - Tittie Board or not - and I had just assumed the board was closed for the moment. Perhaps I'm just not cool enough to have access yet.
I'm glad you don't take the post count approach exclusively - it can only lead to spamming and lack of participation once access is granted. Good stuff.