Had people like you been in the Whitehouse Saddam would still be happily killing
Bush Senior is just like me?
Anyway, I don't think it's arrogant. As I seem to recall, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong, those who join in filing charges against Saddam are secured a spot in determining his fate at the World Courts trial.
I didn't start hate Bush, you just cannot talk about Saddams crimes without Bush & Co being dragged in because we enabled him. He would not have been the threat he became without our direct assistance, and with us fully knowning what he was doing. Also, I don't really care about the links Saddam had with others such as France and Germany. I am focused on my own country and the dealings Saddam had here. I want the full justice for America.
I would today to plead with our rulers, as an homage to the toppling of Saddam finally, to stop propping up murderous dictators or undemocratic regimes to serve our interests.
Cut the strings to Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Uzbekistan and Equatorial Guinea. For starters.