Originally posted by Liquor Dealer
I won't go for a throw away vote - I'm going to make mine count one way or the other but I will at least take the lesser of two evils. I've voted wrong a couple of times and had to live with it for four years and yes, I realize that the only place my vote probably counts is in my own mind. No matter who the two are - one will always outweigh the other in some form or fashion.
Throw-away vote!!!! I'm registered Green party and I feel in no way that I'm going to "throw my vote away." I vote for the candidate whose beliefs best fit mine. I think that if you're voting for someone just because they are likely to win or because they are running against a certain party then you are voting for the wrong reasons.
I'm not sure who i'd vote for if the election was held today. I'm still researching all the candidates...but I'm definately steering clear of Bush.