Originally posted by moonstrucksoul
that is so fucking "PC" it makes me ill, first of it is an ancient Japanese symbol called "manji" , that is a hell of alot older than Nazis, second it swirls counter clockwise, not clockwise like the Nazi swastika. i don't know why that one that is clockwise would be in a japanese font
check it out
http://<a href="http://altreligion.a...smanji.htm</a>
Link didn't go anywhere. If its not a swastika than it shouldn't be removed. I thought the Nazi's borrowed it from the Byzantine empire. The Byzantine's could've easily borrowed it from the Japanese though. My knowledge of Japanese symbols is limited to a little bit of katakana and a titch of hirogana.
If it is a different symbol though, then this is probably PC overreacting. If your offended by something that "looks" like a swastika, then you might be looking too hard.