there is alot I could say on this but I'm afraid I would come off alot harsher than I wanted to. So rather than go on a rant about how un-fair and basically stupid drug testing in general is... (the fact someone who blows coke can get it out in 2 days whereas a person who smokes a joint has to wait 30...) along with the fact MOST recreational drug users use them as RECREATION just like so many people like to have a drink after work, others prefer a bowl of nugs.
In NO WAY do I condone being under the influence of drugs while on the job but really if drugs are in a workplace it isnt too hard to find them, work on those people and dont worry about what's in everyones piss...
I have to give props to litespeed for this:
"What I do see with co-workers, though, is that no matter what their private life may be, if their efforts are genuine and their work quality, they will have the respect of their superiors. Thus building trust and ruling out the need for drug testing.
Drug testing is just a way for employers to weed out the junk.
So don't be junk. Whether you do drugs or not. Just be a good employee and that's all that matters."
that was a very good way to put it. I've smoked since I was 13, not *regularly* but often enough. I've also been in management positions and under security clearance jobs since I was 16. I dont mix drugs and work so why should I lose my job as if I did? I work hard at work, and when I relax I dont always choose to just have a drink.... anyway, I'm going to break it there before I go off onto a full page rant....
btw, I grew up on piss tests (nothing drug related, it was just required) and have yet to EVER fail one, so if anyone has any questions I'm more than happy to share the method... Orange juice, water, and a multi-vitamin

if your into reading check out a book called "Urine Trouble"