To all those who defend her decision to smoke pot and cite people's success stories: Everyone did cocaine in the 80s as well. Many cocaine users were (and are) successful in life. It doesn't mean that they don't experience heightened aggression and other symptoms of cocaine use. Doing well at your job while being a pot smoker doesn't mean that you don't act stupid, have a shorter attention span, and eat more.
miragetm, if you're truly opposed to something that has become part of your friend's way of life, you can't be her friend any more. If one of my friends told me that it was their mission in life to eat babies - well, that's not the best example. I'd probably just keep an eye on the crib. If one of my friends told me it was their mission in life to convert me to Christ or Buddha or Allah or some such, the friendship would come to a quick end.
Sometimes it's just not worth compromising yourself to be friends with another.