Republicans have a fundamental belief that man should be entirely self-made. Government exists primarily for protection and to encourage money-making or giving each individual an equal chance towards self-actualization. Tendancies towards libertarian views on government, yet also adopts more of a realist view on national security (you have to assume the worst of all nations - all nations act in their self-interest -because the world system is anarchy). Tendancies towards ends justify the means reasoning. Likes privatization. Fundamentalist Christians tend to associate themselves with Republicans. While government is not meant to restrict business and provides security, it is often argued that there are many exceptions to 1st Amendment protections (burning flag is illegal, talking against the government is illegal, willingness towards sacrifices in civil liberities for overall security).
Democrats have a fundamental belief that society should be structured around the community. Government exists to help all individuals, provide protection, and a general feeling that government can help raise people up is held (rather than the Republican view that people can only raise themselves up, they view "social welfare" as being enabling and as "handouts"). While national security is important, Democrats are more liberal in the classic political science definition on international relations (that is, a focus on cooperation and agreements, instead of assuming self-interest there is a focus on joint incentives to cooperate). A strong belief in regulations and government controls and standards, a dislike of laissez-faire economics because it can hurt those at the bottom. Definitely a focus on the means towards getting to ends. Typically the labor union party and the "underdog" party attracting the ACLU and getting a large percentage of minority voters.
There's a start, trying to be as objective as I can be.