Originally posted by OFKU0
First of all I am not anti-french.It is more the motives of politicians that bother me and people who refuse to see the big picture because they are waving a unity flag.
You come across as very antifrench my friend. Very antifrench.
I used to think like you.
Then i spent ALOT of time in Quebec working there (and NB, NS, ONT, ALTA, and NWT) but mainly in Quebec. I have come to realize that your average Quebecer does not desire anything more than you or I. They are a pretty cool lot and I have probably been there 100 times now on work, usually 2 weeks at a time. When I first went there, I expected the Quebecers to eat me alive. Nothing could be further from the truth.
My one criticism of Quebecers is that they need to travel outside of Quebec more to realize that the rest of the country is ok too.
Same goes to you... You need to travel.
Originally posted by OFKU0
The point with attrition is that French speaking Quebecers through concensus polls are losing their French and are choosing to speak English.
Quebecers are not loosing their French at all, trust me. French is alive and well in Quebec and always will be. Just as Bob says, some Quebecers choose to learn english and that's a good thing. I studied French in high school rather half heartedly. I thought that i would never use it and wanted to drop it half way through high school but the principal wouldn't let me. How ironic that i use french all the time now and actually ended up going to U of T at nights to learn even more.
If you think that English is replacing French, just take a trip anywhere east of Trois Rivieres.
Originally posted by OFKU0
Some may say,big deal let them speak what they want. The point is that so much money is being put forth for the French to protect their language and culture but in the end the opposite is happening. Why should every Canadian be on the hook for trying to save a language and culture when said culture isn't trying to preserve it for themselves.Does any other ethic or cultural group in Canada receive vast sums of money for retaining their language and culture?
I am aware that Federal dollars go into preserving Quebec culture, you are correct there. But federal dollars also go into promoting culture in Vancouver, Edmonton and all over the country.
Originally posted by OFKU0
I believe in equality and equal rights also. I believe the western farmers are owed there due as much as those in the fishing industry on either coast. I believe every Canadian should be treated fairly right across the board.
Everyone in this country feels hard done by.
You talk to the fisherman on the east coast and they think that all the federal money is going to the western farmers. Seriously.
The bottom line would be why should the federal gov't subsidize either of the them?
The eastern fishermen have destroyed their own industry by fishing it into oblivion. The western farmers don't want to leave the farm and over production has driven prices down.
First law of economics - Supply and Demand is inversely proportional. There is so much supply that prices are low. Who is to blame for that? The farmers like to blame the gov't (as do the fishermen)
The truth of the matter ist that they are both responsible for their own mess and it's time that they face up to that.
There is only so much profit to be made in an industry. We need less farmers period, then the ones who survive would make enough profit, they wouldn't need gov't subsidies.