Stress and eating habits
This week I've been really stressed out with all the work I've had to do. It's coming up to the end of the semester here at Georgia Tech and all my projects came due on the same week. French project/presentation on Manon des Sources, Website design project, User Interface design paper/presentation, and an Analytical Report for Technical Writing. Now that I'm finally finished (thank god) I'm looking back on the week and realizing how little I've eaten. Take today for example: I had a cup of hot chocolate, an apple, a granola bar and a sandwich with a glass of milk and that's it... This happens a lot with me when I get stressed out. I just don't feel like eating.
Anyway I was wondering how everyone else reacts when it is crunch time for them. I know my sister tends to eat more when she is stressed out but I haven't really discussed it before. Am I just weird?