Wired is one of the most well-written, interesting magazines on the market, imho. Now that it has moved beyond the 'rah-rah, the Internet boom is great' 700-page, advertising-laden tome it once was, it's even better.
The recent article on Philip K. Dick was fantastic; it provided me with a lot of information I didn't know before (Dick was an almost penniless paranoid for most of his life).
I recently picked up a gift subscription for my brother up at Michigan State (it was free). Probably the best thing I can say about Wired is the interest that it generates for people that aren't normally into technology. I mean, I'm a tech geek of the first degree; of course this content is going to interest me. But my fiance also reads the mag, and she normally couldn't care less about techy things.
By incorporating a multi-faceted look at the topics they present, it increasing its appeal across demographics and interests. Technological, political, moral, historical, and practical considerations are well balanced with top-notch writing that doesn't condescend or patronize the average reader, or over-simplify the subject matter for the expert.
It's a great buy, to say the least!