I havent done it in a while considering im engaged but I always followed the hello model. The easiest way to do this is to first determine who your interested in and then to figure out where you run into them the most (yeah this isnt very good for one night stands).
-The way you start this is by obviously running into them (not literally). so for the sake of making this easy lets say you run into this girl often at a club/bar you go to.
-The first step is the pass. The pass is when you walk past this girl for some reason (going to the bar/bathroom whatever) and you get a chance to make contact. The easiest way to do this is to make eye contact as you pass her and say "hello". This first step might seem a little easy but if you are a reasonably perceptive person you can usually tell something about this girls character (I.E., she gives you a cold shoulder or smiles and says hi back).
-After doing this once or twice you can take this a step further by striking up a conversation (I.E., have I seen you here before? or you look familiar (dont confuse this for a bad pickup line if youve made eye contact before and said hello she should have some recollection of seeing you). Now if you get the cold shoulder you might just want to back out right here because she is either not interested with some other guy or in a bad mood or a combination of all three. If you think that shes just not having a good day or if you really want to get this girl give it a while and start from step one. It is important to note that beyond two tries is kinda creepy and it doesnt say anything positive about you.
-If you click or at least get her attention you can go to the next level and strike up some small talk (talk about the bar, music, what she likes about the place your at just dont drool or talk about her too much). Once you get that far your good and youll know the rest.
-The only other thing I can think of is if you want to come off classy dont talk too much about yourself and dont give her too many compliments (if your creative you can give her compliments in a smooth manner but never resort to "your so beautiful" "when I saw you my heart stopped"). Good luck and remember the respect you give women will always return to you in Karma.
Edit: I just noticed you wanted the ladies view so you can ignore my post. Ill read beter next time
Last edited by zfleebin; 12-01-2003 at 03:46 AM..