1. He is an idiot if he sues you.
2. Take pictures.
3. You can request your landlord to look over the apartment, but only do that if the lease allowed you to have a roommate.
4. Is he on the lease? Then he is likewise responsible. If he is not on the lease and there is no written agreement between the two of you and it comes down to what he says vs what you say.
5. Which means before he moved in he agreed to share part of the cost from any damages to the apartment during his occupancy. Or at least you should say he did. Maybe he agreed to forego the returned deposit if he were to vacate the premises prematurely or perhaps he would be penialized in some way. It is up to you be creative. You might not even have to pay a fee if you file a counter-claim (I'm not sure about CA).
6. Take pictures of everything now and save them, if you want send him copies (this will let him know you are not going to let him push you around with the threat of a lawsuit.) Put the date on the pictures.
7. Take pictures when you move out. These pictures should show the apartment to be in the same condition as when he moved out.
8. I'd bet he lose the case unless you do or say something stupid in writing or a recorded conversation.
9. If his dad is a lawyer, he is a pathetic lawyer. Lawyers are the least likely of all professions to sue someone, because they know the hassle involved in a law suit.