my favourites (all from that site I THINK):
[On] a ruler with cartoon raindrops...that reads:
Ameo and his friends are famous posers.
What could be more fun than a pose?
It's more high fives all around!"
Scripted across the back of a jacket of an old lady riding a bicycle:
"Really Fucking Exciting"
From the manual to [a] motorcycle:
"HORN-BUTTON: tootle horn melodiously at the dog who shall sport in roadway. If he continue, tootle him with vigor."
a pair of little girl's panties...decorated with a cute panda bear, birds, flowers and the words:
Well-dressed, elegant woman strolling through the Chiba convention center; chocolate-brown, wide-wale corduroy baseball cap with gold-embroidered lettering: "Stop Sucking Corporate Cock."
There's a line of children's clothes called "Lusty Baby"
anecdote (not mine):
"Years ago, Percy Faith played a concert in Tokyo. The orchestra was on stage. The conductor lifted his baton. A drum roll began as the horn players lifted their instruments in preparation. A japanese "translator" announces over the PA system, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Pussy Face!". The horn players were all laughing
so hard they couldn't play. The drum roll had to continue for quite a while."
From a can of Blendy, an iced coffee drink:
"Casual, yet rich in substance. That's how you are, and so is Blendy"
another anecdote (not mine again):
"A male friend of mine was running for a student government position at school. We were in geometry class with a thick accented professor. She had heard about my friends failure at winning the position. So as we were leaving class, she pulled us aside and said to him...."Brent, I sorry you lose the erection" The confused and stunned look on his face was good enough for me. When we realized what she meant we held our composure until the moment we stepped out the door.
Entertainment all the way!"
On a little boy (about 8) in a train in the countryside surrounding
Hiroshima: "FUTURE F.A.G."
(yet another anecdote that's not mine):
I was in Kyoto during the gulf war. I have a can of "Desert Storm" cola. It reads: "New Carbonated beverage for active people with fighting spirit".
On a t-shirt worn by a primary school-age girl:
"My first marriage was one of convenience."